The Quality Connection

The global use and distribution of our products, combined with increasing customer demands, requires consistent observance and continued development of our high quality standards. This applies to the entire process chain of the company, from customer requirements over project and product planning, development and production all the way to product delivery and customer service. 
As an international company we are accepting responsibility for the quality of our products and processes, for the adherence to international standards and certifications as well as uniform standards for quality and environmental management and occupational health and safety at all EJOT locations worldwide. International quality and environmental standards are a matter of course for all EJOT companies. 
With regular successful IATF 16949 and DIN EN ISO 14001 certifications, we offer a group-wide, uniform quality and environmental management system to our customers. The results of the system and customer audits confirm the quality of our processes and products. 
This slogan sums up the motto of our actions. 
On the one hand it mirrors the uncompromising pursuit of the highest product quality, and on the other hand it underlines – beyond the mere technical aspect – that human relations both inside and outside our company are just as important to us. Our business partners are leading companies from various industries. They promise quality to their customers. For this reason they have to be sure of their partner's performance. We are aware of this responsibility. Years ago we established a quality management system that fulfills highest demands and puts the focus on error prevention.  
EJOT Qualität.png

Market Unit Industry - QM Metal:

Horst Schneider

Market Unit Industry - QM Plastic:

Florian Treude

Market Unit Construction:

Alexander Blecher

Integrated management policy EJOT Group

Sustainability and Quality


The current certificates are available for download here. 
Please note that the certificates are valid for several companies.

Certification of our environmental management ISO 14001

Certificates UM14001

Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 45001

Certification of our energy management system ISO 50001

Certificates Energy 50001

Confirmation of our compliance management system

CSR standards: United Nations Global Compact UNGC, Together for Sustainability TfS, Supplier Ethical Data Exchange SEDEX and Anti-bribery management system ISO 37001, Transparency
International: Corruption Perceptions Index, Risk management system ISO 31000, Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition EICC and Global Reporting Initiative GRI G4

TISAX Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange

The ENX Association supports with TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) the common acceptance of Information Security Assessments in the automotive industry. The TISAX Assessments are conducted by audit providers that demonstrate their qualification at regular intervals.
For EJOT confidentiality, availability and integrity of information have great value. We have taken extensive measures on protection of sensitive and/or confidential information. Therefore, we follow the question catalogue of information security of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA ISA). Our TISAX Assessment was conducted by an above mentioned audit provider in cooperation with the ENX Association. Our results are exclusively retrievable over the ENX portal: